Our vision is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in State College and beyond. Because of that, formally and informally, on Sundays and throughout the week, from our leadership and from one another, our goal is to encourage and train every member...
To know the Bible
We seek to explain the Bible in easy-to-understand ways, but we also want to show why and how we arrived at what we did. By using the common standards of human language, we determine what the original author said, what that meant to the original audience in their context, and how it applies in our context. This equips our members to know God not just through GFC's teaching, but through their own personal study as well.
To live holy lives
When one of our members grows closer to God, we all benefit - so our aim is that ALL our members are constantly growing closer to Him. We encourage this through each Sunday sermon, through our small group discussions afterwards, through growth groups that meet during the week, and through personal investment in one another.
To serve one another
Every member has a critical role to play at Grace Fellowship. Whether that means preaching God's Word, running the sound board, setting out refreshments, or hosting a Growth Group - we all seek to utilize our God-given gifts and resources to serve one another. We eagerly offer training to these servant-leaders so that they can become even more effective in their service. In doing so, we build up the entire church.
To love our neighbors
We need only to look around our own communities to see that people need to hear the saving message of Jesus Christ (John 4:35). At Grace Fellowship, we welcome our neighbors into our church - but also into our homes and into our lives. Because Jesus has done and continues to do a wonderful work in us, we're eager to share His message with friends and family. We hope you'll join us in meeting our Savior Jesus!
To reach all nations
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead as a proof of his Godhood. What did this resurrected God-Man tell us to do? "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). To do that, we need to GO - and when we can't go, we must send (3 John 8). Though bittersweet, we delight in sending out our members as they take what they've learned about Jesus and spread it to the nations. We also joyfully support the work of like-minded missionaries around the globe.
Learn more about Sunday Services, Growth Groups, Women's Ministry, Children's Ministry and Missions.