Members Website
Our Members Website is full of information specifically geared toward GFC members.
To gain access to the Members Website:
Attend a GFC Membership Class
Look for an email with information about accessing the members site
Having trouble accessing the Members Website?
You can only access the Members Website if you're a GFC member (or have attended a Membership Class).
You must access the Members Website using the Google account / email address that we have on file. For example, if you use a address and a address, it may be that we have the other one on file. You can know which it is based on which email address you receive church emails from. You're welcome to have both on file also; it just means you'd receive church emails at both accounts.
If you're logged into more than one Google account, you may run into trouble. In that case, try:
Log into a "Private Browsing" window, then try logging into the Members Website from that window.
Contact us for further help